Below the Surface

Below the surface there is a story to tell. And we want to share it. Discover more about the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area and our experts who help to regulate it.

E.g., 27/07/2024
E.g., 27/07/2024

The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) is governed by an independent Board of Directors comprised of provincial and federal appointees and a board chair. The Board sets the CNSOPB’s policies and programs through strategic, ethical, and transparent lenses in the stewardship and...

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To honour our 30th anniversary, we will be posting articles throughout 2020 that celebrate our various milestones and achievements. This article is part of our 30th anniversary series.

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COMMENT: CNSOPB is not credible – they do not have the expertise necessary to regulate the offshore to ensure health, safety and environmental protection.

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Stakeholder Engagement

COMMENT: CNSOPB officials have been canvassing south shore municipal councillors to garner support for industry. This is a conflict for the regulator.

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Risk of a Blow-out / Blowout Preventers (BOPs)

COMMENT: BP Canada is underestimating the probability of a blow-out event. It has been pointed out that the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was caused by a faulty BOP, so they are not a reliable...

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COMMENT: BP Canada’s Scotian Basin Exploration Drilling Project doesn’t have the same level of scrutiny that is applied to offshore projects located off the coast of Norway or the United Kingdom.

FACT: Canada’s offshore oil and gas regulatory framework is...

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The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board ensures that all oil and gas activity carried out in our offshore area is done safely and responsibly. It’s not a task we take lightly. And when it comes to the authorization of any proposed offshore activity, we go to great lengths to ensure...

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When it comes to exploratory drilling programs that an operator proposes to conduct, the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board goes to great lengths to ensure that operators meet strict requirements before they may be granted an authorization to commence any offshore work.

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Authorization Process

Like any proposed oil and gas activity to take place in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area, an Operator must obtain an authorization from the CNSOPB in order to commence operations. Completion of an environmental assessment (EA) does not grant authorization to...

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